holding debt collectors accountable

full audits for fdcpa violations

Debt Collection Auditing Services

end the constant calls

are debt collectors harassing you?

Debt collectors can be very persistent and won’t take no for an answer. They call, email, track you down on social media, and send letters almost on a daily basis. At The Credit Dispute Center, we aim to stop the harassment, get them off your credit report, and find any violation of your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) or Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and help you hold them accountable.

debt collector, sca collections, first point collection resources, debt collection violaitons, credit scores
up to $1,000 per violation awarded to you!

don't pay debt collectors, let them pay you!

debt collections debt collection audit DEBT COLLETION VIOLATIONS

If you have one or more debt collectors contacting you, or reporting on your credit report, chances are they have violated the FDCPA, or will be violating the FDCPA. If a Debt Collector violates these laws and regulations, you could be entitled to up to $1,000 per violation. Debt Collectors know the majority of consumers do not know their rights and they capitalize on that. They will do just about anything to collect debts including, making threats of jail time, wage garnishment, calling your work, neighbors, and other family members in order to scare you into paying your

debt. We at The Credit Dispute Center want to stop these unfair and dirty tactics. Violations can be something as simple as an envelope mailed to you that you can tell it came from a debt collector, to abusive language, contacting you after you have told them to stop, or reporting false information on your credit report such as, not marking a disputed debt disputed, or marking it disputed when it is not disputed. With our Debt Collection Auditing Service we will audit every collection you currently have. Our Debt Collection Audit Service is INCLUDED in BOTH our Attorney Direct and Quantum Matrix Dispute Credit Repair Packages, or can be done separately. They do not need to be reporting on your credit report for us to audit them. During the audit process we will look at all the documentation you have, and look at your credit reports. If we discover any violations we will consult with our network of consumer protection attorneys for further instruction. We will also prepare letters on your behalf to communicate with the collectors. During this process, we may find more violations. Even if we don’t find violations in the initial audit, we will also prepare letters on your behalf to the collectors and find violations. If we find violations, we will then consult with our network of consumer protection attorneys to see if you have a case. If you do have a case, with your consent, we will forward your file to the attorney for litigation. If you win the collector is liable to pay you up to $1000 per violation and all attorney fees.

see how we can help

Learn More about our debt collection audit service

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Our Audit Results (Updated Regularly as results come in)

Violations Spotted
Dollars Awarded or in Litigation
schedule your consultation today

Debt Collection Service Pricing

Our Pricing for this service depends upon the amount of work needed and the number of collection accounts. You can have multiple collection accounts listed with the same Debt Collector. Each account is treated individually regardless of the collector. If we find no violations during our audit process and the item is reporting on your credit report, we will attempt to have the account removed from your credit report(s). We will prepare up to 3 rounds of challenges for credit report deletion. There is a flat fee of $20 per communication sent for credit report removal to reimburse for certified mailing expenses, and $50 per deletion per credit bureau for removal. It is possible your collection accounts may be removed from your credit report during the audit phase, or after successful litigation, if this happens the deletion fee applies. If we find violations during the audit phase, with your consent, we will forward your file to our network of consumer protection attorneys for litigation. If the attorney takes your case, we do charge a document prep fee of $100 per account we send to the attorney network. The Debt Collection Audit Service is included in our Credit Repair Program, you only pay the Audit Fee and Document Prep fees already in the credit repair contract (Per Deletion and Per Communication fees only apply to new accounts that come up after you sign the credit repair contract). Unlike the Credit Repair Program, the initial audit is a flat, one-time fee (no monthly fees), and our service term is 2 years. You are free to cancel anytime, but during the service term you can bring any new collection to us that lands in your mailbox, you then would only pay any communication or deletion fee should the new collection report to the credit bureaus, and any document processing fee if your new collection has been sent to the attorney.  

*We are not attorneys, although we have extensive knowledge of the FDCPA and FCRA, we do not practice law. The Credit Dispute Center makes no representation of whether an attorney will take your case, the outcome of litigation, the actual damage amount you will be awarded if your case is successful (Violations are worth UP TO $1,000 each plus attorney’s fees paid by the collector.) and have no vested interest in your awarded damages.

1-9 Collection Accounts

Debt Collection Audit Service
$ 149
Flat Audit Fee
  • 1 Time Audit Fee, 2 Years of Protection
  • Up to 3 Rounds of Challenges for Credit Report Removal $20 per Communication If No Violations Found During Audit
  • $50 Per Deletion Per Bureau if Reporting on Credit (Even if Deletion is a Result of Lawsuit)
  • $100 Document Prep Fee per Account Forwarded to Attorney
  • National Network of Consumer Protection Attorneys
  • Up to $1000 Paid to You per Violation if Litigation Successful

10-15 Collection Accounts

Debt Collection Audit Service
$ 199
Flat Audit Fee
  • 1 Time Audit Fee, 2 Years of Protection
  • Up to 3 Rounds of Challenges for Credit Report Removal $20 per Communication If No Violations Found During Audit
  • $50 Per Deletion Per Bureau if Reporting on Credit (Even if Deletion is a Result of Lawsuit)
  • $100 Document Prep Fee per Account Forwarded to Attorney
  • National Network of Consumer Protection Attorneys
  • Up to $1000 Paid to You per Violation if Litigation Successful

16+ Collection Accounts

Debt Collection Audit Service
$ 299
Flat Audit Fee
  • 1 Time Audit Fee, 2 Years of Protection
  • Up to 3 Rounds of Challenges for Credit Report Removal $20 per Communication If No Violations Found During Audit
  • $50 Per Deletion Per Bureau if Reporting on Credit (Even if Deletion is a Result of Lawsuit)
  • $100 Document Prep Fee per Account Forwarded to Attorney
  • National Network of Consumer Protection Attorneys
  • Up to $1000 Paid to You per Violation if Litigation Successful
show the debt collectors you mean business

Will you allow debt collectors continue to harass you, or will you fight back?

debt collections, debt collectors, first point collection, debt collection violations

Sometimes we have to take a stand. Sure we may owe a debt, or a surprise medical debt we never got a bill for shows up on our credit reports. While no one likes to have a debt collector chasing them, we do acknowledge and reconize that a legitimate collection where the debt collector abides by the laws and regulations, should by all means attempt to collect the debt in a fair and honest manner. However, it seems many debt collectors do not follow the law and would rather harass you, banking on your ignorance of the law in order to scare you into paying them. I say it is time to fight back, and force these debt collectors into accountability. It is time to force these debt collectors into compliance.

Schedule a free consultation today!

We serve clients in many states

We offer our services for clients in the following states...

We also provide free consultations for those who live in all 50 states! If you live in a state that we do not serve, we will get you to a reputable company in our national network of credit service providers and attorneys! This sets the credit dispute center apart from the competition!
Important tsr notice: per federal regulation we are not allowed to speak with consumers over the phone prior to any service agreement, please schedule an appointment prior to calling if you are seeking credit repair services. there is no obligation for the first 3 days of the agreement.
The Credit Dispute Center Logo. The Credit Dispute Center is a DBA of Credit Wellness Solutions

Work hard pray harder.

ACTS 2:37-40

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The Credit Dispute Center Logo. The Credit Dispute Center is a DBA of Credit Wellness Solutions

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