Getting your credit repair process or any of our other services started is easy! It all starts with a No-Obligation Consultation. Below are the steps to get started.
Quick Disclaimer: In order to remain complaint with the Federal Trade Commission’s TSR rule concerning credit repair, we must have an agreement in place before we speak over the phone, or with any live video conferencing. No worries because there is NO OBLIGATION for you to continue services until you pay for your Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ Credit Rescue Plan Initial Audit and Attorney Document Processing for our Credit Repair Plan or make a payment for one of our Alacarte Services. We do this to ensure you are able to ask all the questions you like and be comfortable with the process. Just another way to give you peace of mind while complying with the law. Just as an FYI, any credit repair company that talks with you over the phone is in clear violation of the law!
In order to get an accurate look at your situation and give you the best plan of action, we need to see your credit reports from all 3 credit bureaus. We have partnered with 2 services that give us what we need to give you the best consultation. One of these services are REQUIRED for our credit repair program. Simply choose one service and set the password to “CreditWell10”. Below is more information. If you do not get to this step right away, no worries our form will also take you there!
Smart Credit is our preferred provider and the most economical. As mentioned, services start for $1 for a 7-day trial. Maintaining this service is REQUIRED if you enroll in our services. If you decide not to proceed, no worries you are free to cancel this subscription.
My Score IQ is also a great option. As mentioned, services start for $1 for a 7-day trial. After that it is $32.99/mo. Maintaining this service is REQUIRED if you enroll in our services. If you decide not to proceed, no worries you are free to cancel this subscription.
In our experience, an accurate credit report does not exist. Using our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ to assist our attorneys, we do a full audit of your credit report and identify every error, inconsistency, and omission we can find. Disputes are then sent to the credit bureaus. We will then audit your reports after the credit bureaus complete their reinvestigation process and identify problems that were not fixed or deleted and report to the attorney. We then dispute those issues again with the credit bureaus, and then include the furnisher of the data in our disputes. If the account was not deleted or fixed to “maximum possible accuracy” as mandated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the attorney then files lawsuits and arbitrations on your behalf. You will likely receive a handsome settlement and get the item off of your credit report,and they attorneys have us as your expert witness! Unlike other credit repair companies that take your money with no results to show for it, we only get paid if we produce results and help you get compensation! In many cases, you get paid more than you pay us! Getting paid to fix your credit? What’s not to like about that?
*We are not attorneys, we cannot guarantee final results or potential settlement or judgement amounts in litigation or arbitration. You should always consult a consumer attorney for legal advice, and prior to any legal action.
Unlike most credit repair companies, we do not store your credit card or bank account information (except our monthly credit monitoring service or with pre-arranged and agreed payment plans). We only invoice you for services AFTER they have been performed. You will be provided with an invoice and proof of all work done. Also, we give you the freedom to choose which provider you want to use for payment.
We have partnered with STRIPE and ESCROW.COM to give you options when it comes to paying for your services. When you sign up for our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ Credit Repair Program, you can choose which provider you would like to use. Below is a list of advantages of each service.
Work hard pray harder.
ACTS 2:37-40