What is quantum matrix dispute technology™?

Pre-Litigation credit repair that pays you
The Credit Dispute Center Logo. The Credit Dispute Center is a DBA of Credit Wellness Solutions
get paid for credit reporting errors, north carolina attorneys, debt collection violations, inflation, pre-litigation credit repair, how to fix your credit, achieve your dreams
Acurate Disputes more results

technology changing the game in the credit repair industry

The world of credit is changing! However, as a whole the credit repair industry has not changed. The dispute methods of the past are no longer working. That is about to change as new and groundbreaking software called Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology, along with a huge network of consumer attorneys are joining forces to hold the big banks, loan sharks, collection agencies, and the big 3 credit bureaus accountable for their gross misconduct and holding them to the standards and laws that exists, while lobbying for stiffer penalties and even tougher laws to protect you the consumer. While Pre-Litigation Credit Repair methods are the new evolution of credit repair, Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ brings this evolution full circle, finally unifying credit repair companies with consumer attorneys. The credit industry has gotten wise to consumer disputes and has begun to ignore consumer disputes as a whole. Don’t believe us? Go read the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) website. Their database is full of consumer complaints that the “big 3” credit bureaus are ignoring consumer disputes, not fixing errors, or intentionally reporting an account as derogatory as they can to lower your credit score even more. Pre-Litigation disputing with Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ is simply a method of disputing factual errors on a credit report, and if those errors are not fixed or deleted you could be entitled to compensation as our extensive network of attorneys are ready to fight for your credit report. To learn more about Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™, our credit repair program, and how you can get paid more for fixing your credit than you invest, continue reading below, or request a no-obligation consultation to see if your credit report qualifies.

accurate disputes for inaccurate credit reports

Our Dispute Process, using quantum matrix dispute technology™

use metro 2 disputes in lieu of 609 dispute letters credit reports

Unlike most credit repair companies, we prepare our disputes using credit reports directly from the source of the information, the big 3 credit bureaus and not credit monitoring agencies. With our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™, we do a full audit of the credit report to find every inaccuracy, omission, and inconsistent reporting amongst the bureaus. Metro2 is the credit industry’s standard and instruction manual for reporting consumer credit information to meet the FCRA’s mandate of “maximum possible accuracy”. Using the Metro2 manual (which we have), we prepare the dispute based on their account type and reporting rules. Information reported on a credit report must be “accurate and verifiable” or it must be deleted. They must also have “reasonable procedures” to conduct a “reasonable reinvestigation”, so if the disputed account was not corrected or deleted, we give them one more chance to make it right. We dispute the account again, but this time we also include a dispute to the furnisher directly. This allows us to build your case further. If the account remains not reported to “maximum possible accuracy”, and “inaccurate and unverifiable” our attorney will file a lawsuit or file for arbitration and represent you on your behalf. The pre-litigation dispute process and our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ has stood the test of time and works. Getting paid to fix your credit? Getting paid more than you invested to fix your credit? What’s not to like about that? Learn more about our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ Credit Repair Packages by clicking the button below.

comparing apples to oranges

The Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ Credit Repair Advantage

you might get a deletion if you're lucky

The Old Dispute Method

Our Competition

The credit industry is evolving. The credit bureaus and data furnishers (creditors) have become wise to the same old and tired cookie cutter template dispute letters, commonly known as “609” letters. The 609-dispute method is one of the most used methods in the credit repair industry, mostly in self-help books preying on those who seek to fix their credit. Many Credit repair companies still use this method. The 609 letter is famous for statements such as “prove it or remove it”, “not mine, never late”, “produce an original signed contract”. Also, these cookie cutter letters typically cite irrelevant case law, cite the FCRA or FDCPA, and threaten lawsuits. In most cases the claims in these letters are not factual. The credit bureaus and furnishers (creditors) often dismiss these letters as frivolous as they should. Section 609 of the FCRA, does not grant the consumer the right to original documents as commonly believed, in fact the credit bureaus do not even have these documents, also in the digital age there are seldom any signed contracts anymore. Section 609 only guarantees the consumer a full disclosure of their credit report, that is all. So, when you use annualcreditreport.com, the bureaus have satisfied their obligation to the consumer under section 609. These letters do not stand up in the courtroom, and no attorney will take your case using this dispute method. If the account is not deleted you are stuck paying for credit repair every month with little to no results, and a disputed tradeline that’s harder for a reputable company or attorney to deal with to show for it.

you could get paid a handsome settlement and get a deletion

Quantum Matrix dispute technology™

the power of pre-litigation disputing w/ attorney backup

Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ Credit Repair, is an honest, ethical, and factual means of communication to the credit bureaus using the pre-litigation method by putting the law to work you. The FCRA spells out to furnishers and the credit bureaus, that they must report information about a consumer with “Maximum Possible Accuracy”. The trade association for the credit bureaus (CDIA) created an industry standard for reporting credit information called Metro 2. Metro 2 is the set of guidelines and a computer software, used universally, that is designed to exceed federal law and states that it is meant to report “accurate, complete, and timely” information about a consumer’s credit. Although disputing inaccurate, incomplete, missing, or conflicting Metro 2 data is not a new concept, using the Pre-Litigation mindset is a fresh concept. Pre-Litigation disputes are not limited to Metro 2 disputes, but many other types of disputes and communications. Pre-Litigation disputing is a concept that employs unique, dispute letters and other communications with the data furnisher (creditor) and credit bureaus, using Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ that are factual. These letters are prepared in a simple and easy to understand dispute so there is no question(s) as to what is being disputed or challenged, and clearly defines the expectation of correcting or deleting the account which builds a case for you and our attorneys. If the furnisher or credit bureau does not correct or delete the item in question, you would likely have a good case for arbitration or litigation. Each letter is written with the fact in mind that it could end up in the hands of an arbitrator, judge, or jury, building your case for maximum results, or compensation. This is why our attorneys are taking some our client’s right out of the gate! See the difference today by scheduling a no-obligation consultation.

what quantum matrix dispute technology™ does for you

How our attorney network Turns Credit Reporting Errors Into Cash

According to the FCRA, information on a credit report also has to be “Accurate” and “Verifiable” or be removed. By factually disputing legitimate credit reporting errors, you are like a teacher giving the student all the answers to the test. If the account was not corrected to “maximum possible accuracy” or deleted from your credit report, we give them 1 more opportunity by disputing the remaining errors. Disputing a second time builds your case to show you gave the credit bureaus and data furnishers multiple opportunities to correct or delete the account. If then the account is still error laden or not deleted, our attorney will file a lawsuit, or file for arbitration. Arbitration or suing can lead to some pretty nice settlement offers outside of arbitration or court, or you could be awarded damages by the arbitrator or judge and get those negative items removed from your credit report. Credit reporting errors are worth $100 – $1,000 each in statutory damages plus attorney fees (the defendant pays), emotional stress & having to hire professional help. In some cases you can get compensated for actual damages, such as what it cost you for being denied a mortgage, job, or paying sub-prime interest rates. Cases with actual damages can easily go for as much as 6 figure settlements. Essentially you could get paid more for fixing your credit than you invested in doing so.

Strong disputes big wins

Why our disputes generated by quantum matrix dispute technology™ build a strong case

get paid for credit reporting errors, north carolina attorneys, debt collection violations, inflation, pre-litigation credit repair, how to fix your credit, achieve your dreams
  • Our disputes show the arbitrator or judge that factual credit reporting errors were disputed, and multiple opportunities were given to make it right.
  • Our disputes show the arbitrator or judge that the account is in violation of the FCRA by not being reported to “maximum possible accuracy”.
  • Our disputes show the arbitrator or judge that “reasonable procedures” were not followed or failed when investigating the dispute.
  • Our disputes show the arbitrator or judge that a “reasonable reinvestigation” was not conducted, or at the very least botched.
  • Our disputes show the arbitrator or judge that this process cost the client a lot of emotional distress and fees to hire professional help.
Strong disputes big wins

Why our disputes generated by quantum matrix dispute technology™ build a strong case

get paid for credit reporting errors, north carolina attorneys, debt collection violations, inflation, pre-litigation credit repair, how to fix your credit, achieve your dreams
Our disputes show the arbitrator or judge that factual credit reporting errors were disputed, and multiple opportunities were given to make it right.
Our disputes show the arbitrator judge that the account is in violation of the FCRA by not being reported to "maximum possible accuracy".
Our disputes show the arbitrator or judge that "reasonable procedures" were not followed or failed when investigating the dispute.
Our disputes show the arbitrator or judge that a "reasonable reinvestigation" was not conducted, or at the very least botched.
Our disputes show the arbitrator or judge that this process cost the client a lot of emotional distress and fees to hire professional help.
comparing Apples to oranges

our process with quantum matrix dispute technology™ vS other credit repair companies

the credit dispute center

The Cedit Dispute Center only uses credit reports directly from the credit bureaus to create an accurate dispute containing all errors, omissions, and points out all inconsistent reporting amongst the bureaus. Our process is done using Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™, and we audit each account we are disputing thoroughly. Our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology prepares the most accurate and effective dispute without using cookie cutter templates, as each account is unique and every situation is different. Our disputes ask questions rather than quoting law or case law to avoid misapplication. Our disputes are ALWAYS sent via certified mail with return receipt, and our disputes build the client’s case that will stand up in any court or arbitration. “I am so confident in our dispute process that if I were an attorney, I’d argue these cases myself – CEO Sammy Dodd”. This is why we can offer an Attorney Assisted Credit Repair program as our attorney network trusts our process and technology, so they take our clients with qualifying credit report situations straight out of the gate.

At The Credit Dispute Center we don’t play around! We send 2 rounds of disputes for FCRA/Original Creditor disputes. The first to the credit bureaus, and the second to both the credit bureaus and the furnishers. We hit every account needing dispute with every reporting issue at one time. This means in 3-4 (45 day dispute cycles) months our files are ready for arbitration or litigation if the account was not corrected or deleted. Our attorneys prefer this process instead of repetitive and redundant disputes.

At The Credit Dispute Center, we NEVER ask you for credit/debit card, or bank account information! In our credit repair program, one of our providers you can choose is Escrow.com to facilitate all of our transactions. We do not get paid by either until our work is performed as outlined in our agreement. Or you can pay by invoice with STRIPE. This is another thing that sets The Credit Dispute Center apart from the competition. We are held accountable for doing our promised services.

Initially you only pay us for your credit report audit, first work, postage reimbursement, and document processing fees (for cases going to the attorneys). After that, you pay nothing unless we achieve results for you such as, a deletion or improved reporting. We do not charge you every month like most credit repair companies.

most credit repair companies

Most credit repair companies employ the use of automated software such as “Credit Repair Cloud” where 10 minutes at most is spent per client that sends automated cookie cutter template “609 disputes” or  a sloppy non-factual dispute based upon a credit monitoring credit report. Although the process is automated and streamlined, these tactics are no longer effective to repair a client’s credit, let alone stand up in court or arbitration. They typically misapply quoting law or other case law in their cookie cutter dispute letter templates, and sent with regular mail or other forms of non-trackable shipping. Attorneys never take any cases from clients with these type of disputes.

Most credit repair companies launch the same frivolous disputes repeatedly in hopes of deletion. If they are disputing factually they only dispute 1 or 2 issues at a time. This can lead to the company taking the client’s money for 6 months to 1 year or more with little to no results showing for it.

Many credit repair companies set their clients up on an auto pay system where the card is charged each month. That nearly guarantees their income regardless of accountability or producing results for you. We hear this complaint all the time. We even had to change our company name from Credit Wellness Solutions to The Credit Dispute Center because of confusion with a company of a similar name that does exactly this practice! 

Even if the company is legitimate, many scammers use this same process. This has led to a great distrust in our industry and why we at The Credit Dispute Center aims to get other companies to begin holding themselves accountable to the client to produce results.


Pre-Litigation & Attorney Assisted Methods For Debt Collections

debt collections debt collection audit DEBT COLLETION VIOLATIONS

If you have one or more debt collectors contacting you, or reporting on your credit report, chances are they have violated the FDCPA, or will be violating the FDCPA. If a Debt Collector violates these laws and regulations, you could be entitled to up to $1,000 per violation. Debt Collectors know the majority of consumers do not know their rights and they capitalize on that. They will do just about anything to collect debts including, making threats of jail time, wage garnishment, calling your work, neighbors, and other family members in order to scare you into 

paying your debt. We at The Credit Dispute Center want to stop these unfair and dirty tactics. Violations can be something as simple as an envelope mailed to you that you can tell it came from a debt collector to abusive language, contacting you after you have told them to stop, or reporting false information on your credit report such as, not marking a disputed debt disputed, or marking it disputed when it is not disputed. With our Debt Collection Auditing Service, we will audit every collection you currently have. Our Debt Collection Audit Service is INCLUDED in both our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ Credit Repair Package or can be done as a stand-alone service. They do not need to be reporting on your credit report for us to audit them. During the audit process we will look at all the documentation you have and look at your credit reports. If we discover any violations, we will consult with our network of consumer protection attorneys for further instruction. We will also prepare letters on your behalf to communicate with the collectors. During this process, we may find more violations. Even if we don’t find violations in the initial audit, we will also prepare letters on your behalf to the collectors and find violations. If we find violations, we will then consult with our network of consumer protection attorneys to see if you have a case. If you do have a case, with your consent, we will forward your file to the attorney for litigation. If you win the collector is liable to pay you up to $1000 per violation and all attorney fees.

see how we can help

Learn More about our debt collection audit service

We offer a Debt Collection Audit Service that is INCLUDED in our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ Credit Repair Plan. This can also be a stand-alone service for those with good credit who have debt collectors after them. We audit each debt collector or debt buyer for compliance in their communications, such as the envelopes they are using, or the content of their dunning letters for compliance. If they are credit reporting, we audit their compliance with the FCRA of “maximum possible accuracy”, according to Metro2 credit reporting standards. Then we audit their compliance to section 1692C(c), and 1692E(8) of the FDCPA which are the most common violated portions of the FDCPA. If we find those violations, we immediately forward your case to our nationwide attorney network, with all supporting evidence for litigation. 

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get started on the path to better credit today with our quantum matrix dispute technology™ credit repair plans! getting paid and fixing your credit? what's not to like about that!

how to fix your credit and get paid more than you invest in our services!

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free consultation

We hope this guide was helpfulThe world of credit and credit repair can be rather complicated. The Credit Dispute Center is here to help you navigate this journey. We will be here every step of the way. As you can see, we are not your average credit repair company, in fact we are more than a credit repair company. We help our clients hold the credit bureaus, creditors, and debt collectors to the standards federal law mandates, and to their own industry standards by calling out their incorrect credit reporting. We don’t just dispute items, our attorneys will take it to arbitration or the courtroom if we have to, in order to give you the fair and accurate credit report you deserve. In addition, we help you build or rebuild your credit profile, and show you how the credit system works to teach you how to maintain a healthy credit profile. To get started, click below to go to our No-Obligation Consultation page to request an appointment. Simply follow the instructions on the page and we will look at your credit reports to give you a solid game plan moving forward. Thank you so much for reading more. We look forward to working for you! 

a message to the credit bureaus,creditors, and debt collectors

Delete or fix your errors or...

show us the...

north carolina attorneys
Important tsr notice: per federal regulation we are not allowed to speak with consumers over the phone prior to any service agreement, please schedule an appointment prior to calling if you are seeking credit repair services. there is no obligation for the first 3 days of the agreement.
The Credit Dispute Center Logo. The Credit Dispute Center is a DBA of Credit Wellness Solutions

Work hard pray harder.

ACTS 2:37-40

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The Credit Dispute Center Logo. The Credit Dispute Center is a DBA of Credit Wellness Solutions

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